Thursday, August 12, 2010

Behind Closed Doors

Two red telephone boxesImage via Wikipedia
Have you ever wished you had superhuman powers? More powerful than a locomotive, able to leap buildings in a single bound, faster than a speeding bullet?
For the past couple of days I wish I was superwoman, able to scare away enemies, ease hurts and provide hope.
But nope I'm only human, with one heart, two shoulders and two ears. If you were to check the mileage on each right now, you would wonder what the heck have I been doing for the past couple of days?
Being a friend, would be my answer.
I have heard stories of abuse, loneliness, and frustration that would set you back on your heels, from people that I admire and love.
Who would have thought, that behind their closed doors, that wars were raging, hearts were breaking and minds were losing?
I had a person tell me onetime that she hates it when people tell her their problems, because it causes her to have bad mojo. See she feels that if anyone has something bad going on with them, that somehow, someway that bad time will rub off into her life. So she tends to pull away from people who have "bad things" going on with them.
I tried seeing it her way but the only bad thing I saw about that was her reaction.  You can't only be there in the ups and disappear in the downs. You don't get the title of friend by doing that. Makes me wonder what went on behind her closed door that made her forget or never learn what true friendship was all about.
Me being me, I just want to fix the problem. Go in and bash some heads, throw away some trash, lock some fools up. But again I'm only human. That superwoman only lives in my imagination.
So I can only listen, pray that the Lord above will give me the right thing to say when its my turn to speak, end it with "It's going to be o.k and I'm here if you need me."
You spend hours on the phone as they vent, hand them tissues as they cry on your shoulder, show up on their door step with ice cream, save your funniest joke for when their all talked out, tell them the truth even when it hurts, call them to the mat on their bull crap, help them dig a hole in the they have cemeteries for that! LOL! So you worry and plot and pray with them because as a human being that's all you can do really. Sometimes that's all you have to do.
Finding out that your friend has or is being abused, and that someone you love is so emotionally broken that they are making themselves sick, or that model couple you looked up to can't stand each other because the love is gone and divorce is imminent.
Because when you find out what's really going on behind closed doors, it makes you want to find the nearest phone booth.
To bad they don't make those suckers the way they use too.
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